A Hiatus

Hello there, I’m tired of starting off blog posts with an apology. I feel bad that I haven’t written in… 9 months…! It isn’t that I haven’t been cooking, I have. Regularly, I even have banana bread in the oven while I write this and I have a pretty good start on my garden this […]

What I’ve Been Reading, May Edition

Thank you! Your suggestions have been a big help. I’ve spent time this week browsing through blogs and recipes and making a “cook soon” list. We went to the store and bought the ingredients to have on hand to make the meals on the list and so far this week has been better. In the […]

Adventure Cookies

Living in a place with many big mountains on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other means that you are bound to have your share of adventures. Pick your poison, snow or sand, expansive water or towering trees. Many people venture to the mountains in the winter and the ocean in the summer, […]